Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tathan America

As many of you know Nathan and I are very musically talented. So one day Nathan came home from the DI stating that he had just bought something that was going to change the purpose of our lives as we know it. When I asked him what it was he quickly pulled a long black case out from behind his back and said “this”. Upon opening the case I realized what it was, a keyboard!!!! Nathan then began to mess with the programed beats, in the keyboards memory system. Once we realized how good we were he had an epiphany “we need to start a band” After several long hours we came up with a great name of TATHAN AMERICA. Tathan America is currently working on there first EP, which will be released semi-soonish (we hope). The best part about being in a band is unofficial ticket to raise Hell, and the girls.
            One of these freebies is the following: One day I in the bathroom picking a zit (so in other words I was super focused and about 2 inches away from the mirror). Nathan came to the entrance of our bathroom and said “Hey Tate, Hey Tate look at me”. Like I mentioned earlier I was occupied so I just ignored him until I couldn’t handle anymore nagging from him. So I turn to him and said “WHAT”!!!!! Nathan immediately started to laugh and then sprayed me with the kitchen fire extinguisher from head to toe. The bathroom immediately filled up with smoke and so did my lungs. Once I was able to gain composure of my breathing and sight again I was able to ask him why he did that. His response was simple “Dude were in a band and that’s what band members do”. It was so funny that I couldn’t get mad. But that’s not all like I said the bathroom filled up smoke that smoke spilled into the hallway setting off not only the apartments fire alarm but the whole buildings alarm system.
            Our manager came busting into the apartment and was like “what happened” Nathan to avoid getting into trouble said the only thing that made sense “Ahhhhh the George Foreman grill burnt my food”. The manager seemed satisfied with Nates response and left screaming, “Call the fire department and tell them it was a false alarm”.
            And that is how Tathan America got started; a keyboard, a fire extinguisher and two extremely talented people.


Tathan America

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