Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The newest member of the family: Gizmo Dunkley-Litchfield Jr.

Apparently Tosh.o was searching the internet to find the cutest chinchilla. This is the winner: http://tosh.comedycentral.com/blog/2011/05/03/the-cutest-chinchilla-video-youll-ever-see/. I will admit that he is a very handsome chinchilla but nowhere near as cute as GIZMO. If only Nate and I had know about this competition we would have made a montage of Gizmo doing awesome things, like running in his hamster wheel that is about 3 times to small for his over weight body.

Anyways watch the video and then you can enjoy the pictures of Gizmo and his new family!

P.S. If anyone out there could make him a beanie so he can match us we would (the family) would be greatly appreciative. 

XOXO The family Dunkley-Litchfield